The Madera County Amateur Radio Club was formed
for public service, education, scientific and recreational
purposes of amateur radio and to elevate the standards of
operating practices and
ethics in amateur radio communications.
is the vault that houses the 147.180 and the 441.175 repeaters along
with the tower that supports the antennas over looking the San Joaquin
4540 ft.
is the rack that holds the 2 meter and 440 repeaters and
supporting equipment. This picture was taken before the 440 repeater was
installed. |
The Madera
County Amateur Radio Club net is every Tuesday at 7:00 PM on the 147.180
(+) 2 meter repeater. The club holds monthly meetings on the first
Thursday of every mouth at 7:00 PM at the Madera County Library at 121
N. G St. Madera, Ca. in the Blanche Galloway Community Room and everyone
is welcome to attend. Membership in the Madera County Amateur Radio
Club (MCARC) is on an annual basis from July 1st through June 30th of
each year. Membership dues for the club are $15.00 for individuals or $20.00 for families with two or more licensed amateurs that live in the
same household. Newly licensed amateurs from a Madera V.E. test session will receive a complimentary
first year membership and any licensed amateur under the age of 16 will
receive free membership if there is no licensed parent or guardian in
the same house hold. A portion (40%) of the club dues go to support
the 147.180 and 441.175 club repeaters. Anyone wishing to support the
repeaters are encouraged to join the club. However, anyone may send a
contribution in any amount specifically to support the repeater. These
funds are kept in a separate account and are used exclusively to support
the repeater. Mail dues or contributions to Madera County Amateur Radio
Club, P.O. Box 251, Madera, Ca. 93639-0251 |
Repeater 440
Repeater |
For membership form click here and then print: MCARC
membership form pdf 